Aminet Set 1

Aminet Set 1

Aminet is the world's largest collection of freely distributable Amiga software. Up to 10.000 user access the vast archives every day, and countless programmers publish directly via Aminet. Only 3 years after its inception Aminet now holds the equivalent of more than 4.000 floppy disks of software! Until recently access to Aminet was restricted to international network users. With AMINET SET 1, consisting of 4 CDs, the complete archive is published the first time.

Aminet Set 1, dated January 1995, conists of approximately 4 gigabytes of software in 12.500 archives. Whether you like applications, games, utilities, networking software or programming languages, the Aminet CD offers an almost inexhaustible reservoir of top-value FD software. Improved user friendly access software make the set a pleasure to use.

141 MB 800 Development software
103 MB 1800 Utilities

134 MB 900 Graphics software
337 MB 1100 Pictures & animations
87 MB 500 / text software
39 MB 400 / Documents

336 MB 900 Graphics & sound demos
160 MB 1000 Games
86 MB 1100 Communications
6 MB 100 Hardware related

63 MB 300 Business software
12 MB 200 Disk/HD tools
109 MB 500 Miscellaneous

358 MB 2700 Music modules
29 MB 200 Music software

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